Forum Omnibot Robots

Correct charger for omnibot 5402

Mon, 09 Aug 2010 20:21:09


I've read all over the website about correct chargers for omnibots 6v negative center (a plug that fits) and mAmps of 300-500 ish (i read it on many different websites, but the all had different recomended mA ;/) I have a universal adapter (1.5v - 12v) (+ or - center switch) multiple plugs so it can fit many devices. but it has 300mA only my question is, if i get a plug that fits, set it to 6v, and - center, will it work to charge up my omnibot 5402 properly? thanks~
Mon, 23 Aug 2010 08:27:24


Well, That is a good question. The original battery charger that came with the omnibot back in the middle 80's was at 300 mAH. I can't explain other sites just mine. As I was able to buy better chargers over the years. I changed my F.A.Q to reflect what I was selling. The higher the mAH rating the faster it will charge. But, the Lead Acid battery doesn't like to get hammered when charging. I wouldn't go any higher then 500 mAH on a changer. Yes, your charger if set correctly as listed will allow you to charge your robot. Mike
Fri, 14 Dec 2012 21:00:46


Does anyone know where I can get one?
Thu, 20 Feb 2014 16:47:19


Hello, Sure, check out the store on this site for some great items.
  • 6V 500mA Sealed Lead Acid Battery Charger
  • Omnibot Home Page