Hi Mike!
Recently there was an auction of the silver/chrome Omnibot on Ebay: [ Link Removed ] Dead Link
According to the item description only 6 silver Omnibot were produced ever.
Since I'm a proud owner of one of these (I only paid about 150 bucks on Ebay a year ago, including box, tray, charger & manual) I wrote him to ask from where he got this information.
This is what I wrote:
Dear robnobbing.yahoo,
I never saw a silver/chrome Omnibot on Ebay,
(also the gold, red, red-white ones). I couldn't find any information about
how many of these silver Omnibots were ever produced, also Google didn't
give me any result. In your offer description you say that there were only
six silver Omnibots produced ever.
So I just wanna know from where you've got this information.
Do you know how many of the gold, red and red-white
ones have been produced, too?
And this is what he replied:
Yes Thx for the interest [...].
You won't find any information on these
robots on the internet, let alone find another out in the open.
As for where I get the information and the robot. I was the sole robot repair tech
and Cheif retail demonstrator for TOMY Canada in the 80's until the Coleco
buy out.
These particular robots were made for an internal promotion for
The General Motors Corporation. there were 5 made for GM to give away as
prizes, and one which was the prototype which didn't go to GM. This is the
I have a letter of authentication from the former Manager
General Affairs of TOMY Canada notorized to its authenticity.
as for the gold and red Omni's ,due to the lack of stickers and the paint on the
rubber bumper it is my opinion that they were painted that way by the owner
of each. although the Omniduino looks to be a prototype. nice panel.
The red and white one, Omni Mk2 was a an upgraded bot sort of a hybrid between
Omni and Omni2000, notice the bot has the sensor panel in the rear .
I hope this answers your questions for you.
So I want to get your opinion if this story could be true and whether only 6 silver/chrome Omnibots were ever poduced.
In case this guy reads this forum entry: I hope it's good to go for you to post our conversation here, I just wanna investigate if I have to build a shrine for my silver Omnibot...